LOCUS pET-29a(+) 5371 bp DNA circular 20-OCT-2003 DEFINITION T7 expression vector pET-29a(+). REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 5371) Novagen, Inc. pET-29a(+) vector sequence REFERENCE 2 (sites) Novagen, Inc. pET-29a-c(+) Vectors (TB076 12/98) REFERENCE 3 (sites) Novagen, Inc. pET System Manual 10th Edition (TB055 07/02) REFERENCE 4 (rep_origin endpoints) AUTHORS Selzer,G., Som,T., Itoh,T. and Tomizawa,J. TITLE The origin of replication of plasmid p15A and comparative studies on the nucleotide sequences around the origin of related plasmids JOURNAL Cell 32 (1), 119-129 (1983) MEDLINE 83129391 PUBMED 6186390 COMMENT Based on the T7 promoter-driven system originally developed by Studier and colleague, Novagen's pET System has been used to express thousands of different proteins. In pET vectors, target genes are cloned under control of strong bacteriophage T7 transcription and translation signals, and expression is induced by providing a source of T7 RNA polymerase in the host cell. The pET-29a-c(+) vectors carry an N-terminal S-Tag/thrombin configuration plus an optional C-terminal His-Tag sequence. Note that the sequence is numbered by the pBR322 convention, so the T7 expression region is reversed on the cloning/expression region detail map. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers terminator complement(27..73) /note="T7 terminator" misc_feature 69..87 /note="T7 terminator primer #69337-3" misc_feature complement(140..157) /note="C-terminal His-tag coding sequence" /translation="HHHHHH" misc_feature complement(158..217) /note="multiple cloning region (NcoI-XhoI)" misc_feature complement(216..233) /note="thrombin cleavage site tag" /translation="LVPRGS" misc_feature complement(249..293) /note="N-terminal S-tag coding sequence" /translation="KETAAAKFERQHMDS" misc_feature complement(341..365) /note="lac operator" misc_feature complement(365..384) /note="T7 promoter primer #69348-3" promoter complement(368..384) /note="T7 promoter" misc_feature complement(415..430) /note="pET upstream primer #69214-3" CDS 775..1857 /gene="lacI" /product="transcriptional repressor of the lac operon" /translation="MKPVTLYDVAEYAGVSYQTVSRVVNQASHVSAKTREKVEAAMAE LNYIPNRVAQQLAGKQSLLIGVATSSLALHAPSQIVAAIKSRADQLGASVVVSMVERS GVEACKAAVHNLLAQRVSGLIINYPLDDQDAIAVEAACTNVPALFLDVSDQTPINSII FSHEDGTRLGVEHLVALGHQQIALLAGPLSSVSARLRLAGWHKYLTRNQIQPIAEREG DWSAMSGFQQTMQMLNEGIVPTAMLVANDQMALGAMRAITESGLRVGADISVVGYDDT EDSSCYIPPLTTIKQDFRLLGQTSVDRLLQLSQGQAVKGNQLLPVSLVKRKTTLAPNT QTASPRALADSLMQLARQVSRLESGQ" rep_origin complement(3287..3875) /standard_name="pMB1 (ColE1-like) plasmid origin of replication" /note="coordinates include the region from the RNA/DNA switch point to the -35 promoter sequence of the RNAII (primer) transcript" /direction=left CDS 3997..4812 /note="kanamycin resistance" /product="aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase" /translation="MSHIQRETSRPRLNSNMDADLYGYKWARDNVGQSGATIYRLYGK PDAPELFLKHGKGSVANDVTDEMVRLNWLTEFMPLPTIKHFIRTPDDAWLLTTAIPGK TAFQVLEEYPDSGENIVDALAVFLRRLHSIPVCNCPFNSDRVFRLAQAQSRMNNGLVD ASDFDDERNGWPVEQVWKEMHKLLPFSPDSVVTHGDFSLDNLIFDEGKLIGCIDVGRV GIADRYQDLAILWNCLGEFSPSLQKRLFQKYGIDNPDMNKLQFHLMLDEFF" rep_origin complement(4905..5360) /standard_name="phage f1 origin of replication" /note="allows production of single stranded DNA upon infection with a helper phage" /direction=left BASE COUNT 1272 a 1387 c 1443 g 1269 t ORIGIN 1 atccggatat agttcctcct ttcagcaaaa aacccctcaa gacccgttta gaggccccaa 61 ggggttatgc tagttattgc tcagcggtgg cagcagccaa ctcagcttcc tttcgggctt 121 tgttagcagc cggatctcag tggtggtggt ggtggtgctc gagtgcggcc gcaagcttgt 181 cgacggagct cgaattcgga tccgatatca gccatggaac cgcgtggcac cagggtaccc 241 agatctgggc tgtccatgtg ctggcgttcg aatttagcag cagcggtttc tttcatatgt 301 atatctcctt cttaaagtta aacaaaatta tttctagagg ggaattgtta tccgctcaca 361 attcccctat agtgagtcgt attaatttcg cgggatcgag atcgatctcg atcctctacg 421 ccggacgcat cgtggccggc atcaccggcg ccacaggtgc ggttgctggc gcctatatcg 481 ccgacatcac cgatggggaa gatcgggctc gccacttcgg gctcatgagc gcttgtttcg 541 gcgtgggtat ggtggcaggc cccgtggccg ggggactgtt gggcgccatc tccttgcatg 601 caccattcct tgcggcggcg gtgctcaacg gcctcaacct actactgggc tgcttcctaa 661 tgcaggagtc gcataaggga gagcgtcgag atcccggaca ccatcgaatg gcgcaaaacc 721 tttcgcggta tggcatgata gcgcccggaa gagagtcaat tcagggtggt gaatgtgaaa 781 ccagtaacgt tatacgatgt cgcagagtat gccggtgtct cttatcagac cgtttcccgc 841 gtggtgaacc aggccagcca cgtttctgcg aaaacgcggg aaaaagtgga agcggcgatg 901 gcggagctga attacattcc caaccgcgtg gcacaacaac tggcgggcaa acagtcgttg 961 ctgattggcg ttgccacctc cagtctggcc ctgcacgcgc cgtcgcaaat tgtcgcggcg 1021 attaaatctc gcgccgatca actgggtgcc agcgtggtgg tgtcgatggt agaacgaagc 1081 ggcgtcgaag cctgtaaagc ggcggtgcac aatcttctcg cgcaacgcgt cagtgggctg 1141 atcattaact atccgctgga tgaccaggat gccattgctg tggaagctgc ctgcactaat 1201 gttccggcgt tatttcttga tgtctctgac cagacaccca tcaacagtat tattttctcc 1261 catgaagacg gtacgcgact gggcgtggag catctggtcg cattgggtca ccagcaaatc 1321 gcgctgttag cgggcccatt aagttctgtc tcggcgcgtc tgcgtctggc tggctggcat 1381 aaatatctca ctcgcaatca aattcagccg atagcggaac gggaaggcga ctggagtgcc 1441 atgtccggtt ttcaacaaac catgcaaatg ctgaatgagg gcatcgttcc cactgcgatg 1501 ctggttgcca acgatcagat ggcgctgggc gcaatgcgcg ccattaccga gtccgggctg 1561 cgcgttggtg cggacatctc ggtagtggga tacgacgata 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