A History of the E. coli Genome Project at UW-Madison

People of the E. coli Genome Project

    In July of 1991, we began the full-scale genome sequencing of Eschericia coli. It was a hard and agonizing road to completion, involving the efforts of many talented and dedicated individuals. One of the largest problems with collecting data over the course of those many years was keeping sight of the human perspective. Today, sequencing bacteria the size of E. coli has become trivial. We, however, do not wish to trivialize the efforts of any our dedicated staff of professionals and students over the years.

    A partial list of former denizens of the Blattner lab is below. This current version of this list extends to folks involved through the publication of the completed genome in 1997. It was assembled from a previous list compiled by George Mayhew, supplemented by acknowledgments from the genome sequence papers, assorted meeting handouts, and other ephemera. This was put together to mark the 25th anniversary of the completion of the genome. However, we do plan to extend the list to cover the entire span of the project until Dr. Blattner's retirement in 2011.

    If your name appears on this list, and you would like a link to a personal webpage or social media account, let us know. If for any reason you don't want to be listed, please let us know. If you or anyone you know should be on this list, let us know. And if we misspelled a name, let us know. Cheers!

Abdul-Jabbar, Sajadatul Doubles, Amy Johnston, Jane Moan, Erich Schricker, Todd
Abdulla, Aini Drye, Pat Jones, Heather Mohamad-Hassan, E. Schroeder, Laurie
Abernathy, Heather Duescher, Darcy Jurgella, Gail Mohamad, Abdul Schurer, Wendy
Abu Hassan, Zuhairun Durfee, Tim Kadner, Kristin Mohamad, Norina Schwid, Mary
Ahmad, Eliza Ehley, Jenny Kamari, Mohd Fitri Mohamad, Rosby Shao, Ying
Ahmad, Sufian Eisenberg, Howard Kamaruddin, Julianna Mohamad, Sabrina Shaya, Anthony
Ahmat, Hasfazilah Eisner, Joel Karr, Linda Mohd Nazir, Ely Shi, Nian-Qing
Argentar, David Elliot, Cheryl Katcha, Jennifer Morrison, L. Shiekholeslami, Babak
Arndt, Todd Engelken, Theodore Kelley, Andy Moynihan, Carol Simon, Michael
Azman, Adly Federle, Mike Kenan, Joe Mullen, Anthony Smith, Robert
Baumann, Justin Feldman, Alexis Kerl, Tamara Murvine, Chris Snyder, Chad
Baxter, Dan Foley, Shane Khalid, Salwa Mutunhu, Nyasha Sofia, Heidi
Bekx, Paul Forsythe, Todd Kijenski, Heidi Myers, Monica Sommers, Ed
Bergum, Kristina Freiling, Karen Kilps, Jennifer Nakano, Albert Soni, Pritin
Billman, Jenny Freund, Jim Kin, Yiu Nazir, M. Steltzer, Howard
Blattner, Fred Fritz, Beth Kirkpatrick, Heather Nelson, Tiffany Stephan, Jonathan
Blouke, Katrina Gigot, Michelle Kirkpatrick, Heidi Olson, Carol Stevens, Paul
Boardman III, Charles Glasner, Jeremy Klamerus, Jeff Othman, Zarina Stier, Peter
Bouriakov, George Goeden, Michael A. Klein, Kevin Otto, Christopher Streif, Karen
Brandt, Jackie Gorski, Pat Kleiner, Sam Pa'wan, Noor Stroebel, Jon
Braoh, Adrienne Grant, Jennifer Klemmer, Jeff Pangil, Faizuniah Subramanian, Sandyha
Brennan, Lynette Grauvogl, Paulette Klinzing, Denise Pastijn, Tom Talley, Ray
Brisch, Jennifer Gregor, Jason Koester, Julie Perna, Nicole Tokuoka, Donna
Brumley, Robert Griswold, Karie Kolner, Doug Perot, Guy Trampe, Erin
Burland, Valerie Grota, Lynn Kondrashov, Alex Peterson, Nola Tsang, Allen
Burris, Debbie Grotbeck, Erik Korb, Todd Pitcher, Lisa Tuscan, M.
Cairns, Jennifer Grumann, Allen Kotarski, Robert Plunkett III, Guy Uhrman, Tracy
Celino, Gretel Gu, Trent Kramer, Nancy Pochan, Darrin Vandewalle, Will
Champ, Julia Guyer, Lisa Kryder, A. Polka, Mike Vang, Chong
Chen, Feng-Ling Hamdan, Azura Kurtz, Kevin Rabin, Ghislaine Verma, Rita
Cheng, Helen Hammes, Jeff Lang, Julie Rahman, Hazizun Wan, Christina
Cherkauer, Kevin Hammes, Lori Lee, Ben Ramamurthy, Ranjani Wang, Jian-Xia
Cheung, Lorena Hamzah, Nazman Lee, P. Rhode, Shannon Wanless, David
Choi, Ron Harsay, E. Li, Kin Richmond, Todd Wathen, Patricia
Chow, WaiKeung Hatfield, David Lin, S.C. Rifkin, Gabriella Webb, Michelle
Chowdhury, Edward Hefty, Amy Luchini, David Rimmer, Nicola Whitford, Eric
Chuang, Shuang-En Heim, Tracy Macek, Jason Robellia, Beth Williams, Rebecca
Ciske, David Herzfeldt, Brian Madsen, Andrew Rose, Deb Wilson, William
Clark, Kelly Hilliard, Mike Majid, H. Roskos, Nancy Wipperman, Chris
Clark, Rod Hinton, Theresa Manthei, Eric Rothman, Mark Xiong, S.
Copeland, Angelick Hitzke, Scott Maguire, Megan Russell, Ronald Yamane, Andrew
Craven, Mark Hobbes, Joshua Marceille, Jennifer Ryan, Tom Yang, C.
Dahi, Hossein Hoeft, Bryan Marr, Lily Sanok, Chris Yusoff, Balqaos
Daniels, Donna Hornung, Diana Marx, Joseph Sauter, Monica Yussman, Martin
Davis, N. Wayne Horowitz, Eric Mau, Bob Scherkenbach, Carrie Zahari, Zefri
Day, Kevin Ihsan, Sany Mayhew, George Scherkenbach, Pete Zaman, Maizatul
Delaney, Tim Jensen, Mike Md Hassan, Ruhaidah Schmelzer, Mike Zhang, Ming
Demrow, Heather Johanowicz, Denise Md Sap, Musfirah Schmidt, April  
Diarra, Gaoussou Johnson, Chris Merwin, Kristina Schmidt, Jennifer  
Dibben, N. Johnson, Stephan Mikkelson, Rob Schricker, Lori  

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